Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pipelines for Financial Blessings

Photo from: Bo Sanchez's Daily Morsels of Wisdom

Have you ever dreamed about having a life that is financially free?
Have you also asked our Mighty Creator for a blessing of abundance?
But then, you are still in your current situation.  Lots of financial challenges, lots of bills or debts to settle and still struggling to survive in your daily living.  You even adjusted your expenses and living below your means, but then, it feels like nothing has even changed?  Let me tell you, this is the right place to find your answers.

Let us create multiple pipelines for your financial blessings.

You know what a Pipeline is?  It is a pathway where the water goes to flow from the source to the destination. That is right, you just have to create a new pipeline on where your new line of water will flow through, just like what you need for your financial blessings.

Let us say that your actual job is the pipeline to your current financial blessings, all your income will flow through that pipeline.  Now for you to have another financial blessing, you have to create a new pipeline for it.  And what are these?  It can be Financial Literacy, a Business, or an Investment.

Let us now tackle how these pipelines will affect your financial blessings:

Financial Literacy, why is this?  Because your knowledge in finances will allow you to spend your money wisely in an appropriate manner, with that, you can increase your savings.

Business, why is this?  Perhaps the answer is obvious.  We all know that business is one actual proof to earn more profits and get residual growth that can provide you more than what you can earn in your actual job.  However, there are some people who thinks that having a business is too risky.  I will tell you, nothing is more risky than not thinking of ways to grow your current financial blessings.

Investment, yes you may ask again, why is this?  Here's the catch: in an eye of an investor, the definition of an Asset and Liabilities are different from what we have learned during our school days.  According to Robert Kiyosaki, a well-known American investor, who wrote the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of motivational books.  On his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, he defines Asset as something that will provide you a new cashflow -- or what we call a new pipeline, and Liabilities as something that we will use for our expenses.  Anyway I'm not here to lecture about these stuff, but the point is, Investment is like buying an asset that will generate you additional pipeline.

If you noticed that these 3 things have been mentioned in a particular order.  Well it does have a purpose for it.  In able to be successful in these Financial Pipelines, you should develop your Financial Literacy first because from here, you can learn how to handle your finances well.  Then you can start up your own Business and work on it to expand further and accumulate your residual growth.  From this point, you can start to create your Investment.  Having a background in business can help you understand more the flow in the investment world, this is according to Mr. Kiyosaki's book on the Cashflow Quadrant.
Starting a Business and an Investment can be very simple.  Nowadays you can get so many choices around you but always remember to be vigilant about it and better check very carefully the details and background of the things you are getting into.  Let yourself be familiarized on these matters, there are even a lot of learning materials that can be found anywhere else, especially through the worldwide web. 

It is not yet too late for you to become financially literate and start up your own business.  As what they have quoted, the best day to plant a mango tree is 15 years ago.  So when is the next day to plant?  NOW.

For more details in expanding your financial pipeline you may reach out or follow me through my social medias:

Instagram: cjvinoya

God be with you!

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